Wednesday, November 02, 2005


January is almost here. I don't know what I will be doing yet. I had planned to travel. Actually I had wanted to travel. I hadn't really gotten around to planning anything. Now I've been thinking about going out to Colorado and working as a snowboarding instructor. I would have to go out there for a week in November to interview. Then if I got offerred something I could go out there in mid-December after my classes are over. I would have to look for places to stay and I would be on my own. Sounds kind of interesting.
I have also been trying to figure out what to do, career wise. I would like to get a degree in small business management. I've also been thinking about joining the Marines as an officer and becoming a military pilot. I could do it for a couple of years and then get out. I wouldn't want to make a whole career out of it. I do think it would be interesting and fun to do. There is just no excitement in life right now.


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