Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Same story, new day.

I just can't get myself to do my school work. I'm so behind in all my classes that I've cut back on my work hours to catch up. I can't however even come close to starting on my term papers and finishing late HW assignments. Yesterday I spent a good chunk of my day just looking at porn. The only thing productive I did was to vacuum my house and go to the gym.
Someone I was working with last weekend said something to me that really struck a nerve. It was one sentence that sent me on a whirlwind of self introspection. "Small minded people say no, champions say yes!" We were moving equipment at the time and looking back now, I suppose I was taking shortcuts to getting the work done. In my defense I had already been working 12 hours. Regardless, the way he said it really got to me. It wasn't a statement, but rather a soft mumbling which he uttered. I had to strain to hear it and didn't realize what he said until a couple of minutes later. This really pissed me off. If you have something worthwhile to say, just say it, don't mumble it in the hopes that the person will hear you. Anyway, this guy was right and it got me to just put my head down and work. I resented him for it until I was able to realize that I was not working up to par. Most of the resentment was because I never took him to be a smart guy and the fact that he made that statement and the way he made it meant that I had severely underestimated his intellect.
It's a sort of mantra for me this week: "Small minded people say no, champions say yes!" It's so true sometimes. You gotta have a can-do attitude to go anywhere in this world. It's all about your attitude and that has a great effect on the people around you as well.
Going back to my slacking this week. I haven't emailed a couple of my friends for some time now. I was talking to a couple of girls on a regular basis and have left them hanging. Understandably they have been eagerly awaiting my emails for some time now, since we've been getting to know each other. (I say 'understandably' because I am decidedly more funny in my emails than I am in this blog. As a matter of fact there really is no humor here in this blog. I write when I'm sad or blocked up on something in my life. It's unusual because I include humor in almost everything I do, except work.)


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