Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I just called this girl up who I've been thinking about for the last couple of weeks. I got blown off. She said Hi, I said hello. She said she was watching a movie and asked how I was. I said I hope I wasn't interrupting. She said she'd call back tomorrow. Is it wrong of me to want to talk to her when she isn't distracted? I don't think so. I thought I was being courteous and now I have relinquished all control.
I know she liked me and was throwing me a vibe for weeks. Yet when I asked for her number she hesitated and I had to pull it from her death grip. Hard to get? Is this girl just one of those that likes to flirt - I don't think so because I always stay away from that type. I think she is making me wait, now that I waited weeks to actually call her. The only reason I waited was because she said she was busy during the semester and that she would have some more time when the semester was over. I am frustrated of this shit. I just want to fuck her.


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