Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Not straining my brain.

Yesterday I was talking to my mom in the kitchen as I was ravaging through the fridge for something to eat.  She made the comment of how I am eating more food than I ever have before.  Of course, everything I eat is healthy and she knows this.  I was telling her how by eating several meals a day (5 or 6) I can sustain a level of energy throughout the day.  I go to work for 9 hours and then go to the gym for 2 hours.  I said when I use my brain I use up a lot of energy as well.  She asked if I even use my brain throughout the day.  When she sees me I am mostly just watching TV.  She doesn't think I strain any part of my body, including my brain.  I laughed and wondered if she knew why I was laughing.  Cuz there is really only one muscle that gets strained on a regular basis...


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